Why GreaterU? Maria and l founded greaterU because we are passionate about inspiring and influencing people to live GREATER lives of impact and fulfillment. We know there is more on the inside of every individual! Each of us has more to accomplish for the Kingdom of God and we want to help people live to their absolute fullest God-given potential in EVERY area of their lives.

We are not new to this passion. We founded and pastored Life Church in Roscoe, Illinois, for 16 years. During that time the church grew from 18 to over 1200 with multiple campuses, a Bible college, team led ministries, multiple discipleship programs and so much more! We have been developing people over the last 20 years as lead pastors while developing schools and resources. Simply, we love equipping people and empowering them to accomplish all God has for them to do!

Kevin and Maria love to partner with churches, leadership teams, businesses and individuals as they pursue growth (both individually and corporately) in spirit, soul and body. They have a unique gift of teaching and bringing clarity to life lessons and spiritual insights and have also coached thousands of people into a healthy physical body. They have four beautiful children and currently reside in Florida.

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Kevin&Maria Kringel

Our Mission:

Equip and empower people to BECOME and DO the greater works Jesus spoke about with the Great Commission.

We will accomplish this by educating people, guiding them to take that knowledge and create strategic plans of action, using every available form of media.

We will also partner with other organizations that are focused on helping people become the fullness of who Jesus paid for them to be in Spirit, Soul and body.


The eternal part of you made in the image of God.

Each of us has a spirit! We have been made in the image of God and there are unique callings, giftings and anointings resident within. Once we give our lives to Christ, access to all Jesus paid for is now available to us. greaterU is designed to help individuals grow in their spiritual stature and step into the fullness of what Christ has for us. Training is available regarding individual personal gifts and callings, and the development of spiritual sensitivity and maturity. We answer questions about proper practices moving in the anointing while effectively working with people in this generation. We strive to bridge the gap between the movement of the Spirit and the world that so desperately needs what we have.

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Mind, will, emotions.

Each of us has a soul! When people experience a new beginning in Christ, they are left with a lifetime of memories, habits and beliefs that must be renewed. Our soul encompasses our mind, will, and emotions. We can become “greater” as we renew our mind to greater beliefs, greater habits, and greater emotional intelligence. greaterU will provide teaching and resources focused on the development of healthy mindsets, skill sets, and corresponding actions in order for individuals to move from “aspiration” into the “creation” of greater results around them.

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Physical health and well-being.

Each of us has a body! Our bodies are the vehicles that take all of our knowledge, talents, solutions, and anointing into this generation. If the car breaks down along the road, all the answers, all of the power within it will not get to the people that need us. Our bodies are incredible tools given to us to house the Holy Spirit and to accomplish His will on the Earth. For too long, the church has fallen short of its role in supporting individuals in the development of health within our physical bodies.

It doesn’t matter how gifted or anointed we are, if we die prematurely, or are too unhealthy to fulfill the call on our lives, all of it is useless. We desire to create a culture in which health is a normal and prioritized lifestyle for world-changers. People who want to live “greater” will eat on a higher level, exercise, and care for their physical well-being. They will take great care of the valuable resource of themselves. We desire to inspire greater levels of healthy eating, healthy motion, sleep, and self-care. Greatness is contained in our daily habits.

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